Early Pregnancy is a serious problem of teenagers. According to World Health Organization reports, pregnancy at an early age is risky for both mothers and babies. The foremost concerns are the health complications. Babies born to mothers younger than 20-24, the most reproductively viable ages, have a 50 percent higher chance of dying during or after birth.
•Financial problem
•Lack of maturity
•Possible to become a single .parent
•Improper Education
•No proper job
• You can relate to your child as they grow up.
•You will enjoy theire childhood.
•Healthy baby
•When they grow up look them as your friend or bestfriend.
The numbers of teenage pregnancy are very high but when you think about the numbers most could have been prevented with the use of protection. Some people may not afford condoms but if you cannot afford a condom you cannot afford a baby. Children from homes ran by teenage mothers go through a hard time in life.